Sunday, February 23Maximizing our Collective Impact

Tag: #editioneight

The Statewide Overlap Between Reproductive Injustice and Environmental Injustice
Global News & Policy

The Statewide Overlap Between Reproductive Injustice and Environmental Injustice

This map depicts the states that will be most impacted by climate change and where women are most likely to lose their reproductive rights if the Supreme Court Strikes down Roe v. Wade. The climate crisis is a prevailing challenge closely linked with reproductive injustice. Of all the states likely or certain to ban abortion if the US Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, a majority was graded "C" or below by Climate Central and ICF International for their climate change preparedness.  The intersection doesn't stop here. The intensity of Hurricane Harvey--exacerbated by climate change--forced abortion clinics to close down. Texas's anti-abortion legislation, coupled with storm-caused logistical and financial barriers, meant that many people went without essential care. Communities...
Democracy Gaps
Global News & Policy

Democracy Gaps

By Sophie Cao The Constitution begins with the phrase “We the people” and with it, the American government establishes our defining democratic process. On the outside, America truly appears to have one of the highest functioning democracies in the world. After all, there are checks and balances between the three branches of government, amendments protecting individual rights to free speech, no religious obligations, local governments, state governments, and federal governments–– all with policymakers elected by voters. Additionally, there is a multi-party political system in America, which gives voices to a wide range of political opinions.  However, the pillars of democracy in the United States are gradually crumbling apart as a result of two main gaps. One gap in the democrati...
Roe the Boat

Roe the Boat

By Rhianna Searle I learned about autonomyin geography class.Your decision invades my body. Women sailed in the seventiesto uncharted independence.Fifty years later, we pick up the paddles. It’s simple really,you want more babies,more worker beesto pollinate your precious economy. Women become the hive.You translate humans into hexagonsfrom a documentthat was never written for us.We become cartographerswriting our rightsin sharpie on each other’s arms:directions. You slice us down like sunflowerson the verge of blossom. America has a broken sense of belonging. On land that was stolenfrom our Indigenous sisters Wea...
Abortion and Environmental Issues are Healthcare Issues 
Eco-STEM, Global News & Policy

Abortion and Environmental Issues are Healthcare Issues 

By Anya Vedantambe  When I, as a middle schooler who was living through a politically turbulent time in early 2020, heard rumors of a disease sweeping across the globe, I experienced mixed emotions. It was a disease and could of course shatter the lives of many–– but a tiny part of me was slightly grateful that the whole world would experience something, something that could draw us closer and possibly bridge political divides. 2020 me believed that disease and health issues could be the one thing that could bring the world together, because no one wanted to be sick. What happened over the course of the next two years shocked me. Mitigation strategies for the pandemic somehow became just as politicized as many of the other issues on which there were large partisan divides. Even now, in ...
Weeping Willow
Art & Multimedia

Weeping Willow

By Rosie Schrag We need to protect people with uteri and the control of their bodies. We need to protect Mother Earth. This piece was intended to highlight the suffering that we inflict when we take away that choice.
SCOTUS and Climate Cases. Could they be overturned? What would be the harm in doing this?
Global News & Policy

SCOTUS and Climate Cases. Could they be overturned? What would be the harm in doing this?

By Krish Gupta With the recent leak of the revised draft of Roe v. Wade, women all around the country have to worry about whether they will have the power to make decisions about their own bodies. It will soon be up to state governments to decide whether women can or cannot have abortions, which would control women even more than patriarchal governance already does. If the conservative Supreme Court can overturn such an important court case that affects people all across the country, what is stopping them from overturning other important cases? What if they overturn essential environmental decisions? Unfortunately, even before the overturning of Roe v. Wade became a possibility, necessary Supreme Court environmental cases mostly relating to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have...
A Brief History of Roe vs. Wade

A Brief History of Roe vs. Wade

By Amelia Petty With Roe v. Wade featuring prominently in the media right now, you may be asking yourself, “What is Roe v. Wade?” In short, Roe v. Wade was a case that came before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973 in which the Court ruled that banning abortion in any state was unconstitutional. On May 3, an anonymous source leaked a draft of the Supreme Court’s plans to overturn Roe v. Wade. If these plans materialize, the decision could have major repercussions on women’s health across the nation, with poor women and women of color being disproportionately affected. Prior to Roe v. Wade, abortion was illegal in most states, with exceptions in place for cases of rape, incest, fetal anomaly or danger posed to the mother’s life. In the Roe decision, Justice Harry Andrew Blackmun found the...
Monocropped Motherhood

Monocropped Motherhood

By Rhianna Searle mothers have always been gardeners.Did you know that tomatoes, which love heat,can’t ripen when it’s too hot?Did you know cucumberscan’t bear fruit without bees?Did you know that individualismis a fungus?Did you know we are amonocropping country?Did you know women are degraded,soil.Did you know children are planted in rows?Did you know weirrigate, irrigateand women are flooding? But did you knowwomen could be carbon sinks?Did you know healthy soilis the fabric of our nation?Did you know:women can stitch us togetherwomen are the roots of our society women are the mangroves that protect us from the stormwomen are fertilizer to the economywomen can craft a regenerative world?Did you know parentingcould be like planting athree sisters garden:corn (government)...
Mother of Earth
Art & Multimedia

Mother of Earth

By Sofia Calderon Women sustain and care for our earth. Not only does she populate the earth, but she cares for it with her maternal touch. With feminine and masculine energy flowing, as long as women exist, there will be someone to fight for the waters, land, and air.