Sunday, February 23Maximizing our Collective Impact

About Us

Mission Statement

The Climate Crisis is a pervasive environmental and social issue, which requires collaboration and cooperation to effectively address. Working at all levels within secondary schools, supporting students, faculty, and administration, the Student Environmentalism and Sustainability Network, SEASN, aims to maximize our collective impact on the climate crisis while helping each other achieve higher levels of environmental stewardship. We will inspire and encourage each other, offer guidance, and use our collective influence to encourage a just transition to a greener future for all.

Who We Are*

*We have members from these schools, yet are not necessarily formally affiliated with them

Abington Friends SchoolFriends Central SchoolMiss Porter’s SchoolSidwell Friends School
Albuquerque High SchoolFriends Select SchoolMontgomery Blair High SchoolThe Darrow School
Alcuin SchoolGeorge SchoolMoorestown Friends SchoolThe Episcopal School of Dallas
Alexandria City High SchoolGermantown Friends SchoolMoses Brown SchoolThe Overlake School
Britannica International Schoolharpeth hallNashua High School SouthThe Second High School Attached to Beijing Normal University
Caddo Parish Magnet High SchoolHillsdale High SchoolNational Cathedral SchoolWesttown School
Cagaloglu High SchoolJohnston Middle SchoolNiskayuna High SchoolWilmington Friends School
Carolina Friends SchoolLynbrook Senior High SchoolNorwood High School
Collingwood SchoolMary McDowell FriendsPioneer High School
Cypress Woods High SchoolMill Creek High SchoolPortsmouth Abbey School

Affiliation with the Friends Council on Education

The Student Environmentalism and Sustainability Network is closely affiliated with the Friends Council on Education (FCE). SEASN is guided by Quaker principles, although we welcome members and schools from all backgrounds.

Mission Statement

Friends Council on Education provides leadership in drawing Friends schools together in unity of spirit and cooperative endeavors. Friends Council’s work nurtures the Quaker life of schools, strengthens the network of support across schools, promotes Friends education through consultations, programs, and publications, and assists in the establishment of new Friends schools. Friends Council helps Friends schools maintain their Quaker identity and ethos, and their relationship with the Religious Society of Friends. Friends Council promotes professional growth for trustees, heads, administrators, and faculty to further the goals of Quaker education, and serves as a voice for Friends schools in the national dialogue on education. 


In carrying out its mission, Friends Council on Education supports member institutions in their particular responsibilities as religious schools under the care of or associated with the Religious Society of Friends. Friends Council also provides support to emerging Friends schools. Friends Council’s publications and programs on governance, peace education, service learning, community building, and Quaker testimonies in school life promote Friends values so critical to today’s society.

Guiding Principles

Throughout our meetings and activities, we strive to follow these guiding principles:

1. We are respectful of our peers and their opinions
2. We are supportive of each other
3. We act with stewardship towards our planet and community
4. We make decisions together as a community
5. We ensure all voices are heard and uplifted
6. We ensure SEASN is an inclusive and welcoming community to all
7. Although not an explicitly Quaker organization, we are guided by the Quaker testimonies of stewardship, peace, integrity, community, equality, and simplicity.

Join Us

If you are interested in joining our growing network of high schools across the nation, please sign up using the link below:

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