Sunday, February 23Maximizing our Collective Impact


Slides on Climate Justice
Activities, Community News & Policy, Resolutions

Slides on Climate Justice

Part of our mission is to provide resources for student leaders to use at our schools (Mutual Education). Iris Zhan, founder of Fridays for Future Digital, created these slides for us to present to our clubs! Click the link below to access them! Thank you, Iris!
A Bill to Establish the District of Columbia Youth Environmental Sustainable Development Council
Community News & Policy, Resolutions

A Bill to Establish the District of Columbia Youth Environmental Sustainable Development Council

By Elson Bankoff It is time that the youth get a say in local policy relevant to sustainable development. Similar to the mission statement of the Los Angeles Youth Climate Commission, the D.C. one would seek to uplift narratives, provide a forum for passionate discourse, and learn from diverse perspectives. These benefits would exist within the context of fighting environmental inequality; making a structural change to our city, connecting with youth and all residents, collaborating with people in positions of authority, and providing spaces to organize and educate our peers. The benefits of establishing a Youth Environmental Sustainable Development Council (YESDC) stretch beyond the existence of a Youth Advisory Council or a  Purpose:  The Council develops plans and objectives for t...
Roseville Area High School’s List of Demands
Community News & Policy, Resolutions

Roseville Area High School’s List of Demands

By Niamh Mee AS THE STUDENTS OF RAHS, WE WANT: The City of Roseville to declare a climate emergency.  Though this is a largely symbolic action, declaring a climate emergency shows that the City of Roseville cares about climate change, and will take future action on climate-related items. Roseville Area Schools to join the Minnesota GreenStep Schools. This is a program that provides a framework to allow schools and districts to reduce their environmental impacts and costs, and provide effective environmental and sustainability education for students and staff. Find more information about joining the program here.  Organic waste disposal at RAHS. Similarly to the elementary and middle schools, the students of RAHS want organic waste disposal at all lunches. A l...
Renewing a Post-War Ukraine

Renewing a Post-War Ukraine

By Kevyn Orr As Ukraine descends into conflict and crisis, an opportunity presents itself. Although unfortunate, it is likely that a large part of Ukraine's energy grid will be disturbed or destroyed. If the nation will need to rebuild its energy infrastructure, the avenue opens to introduce renewables and other forms of clean energy into Ukraine. With assistance from NATO, the EU, and private entities, post-war Ukraine could fully transition to clean and renewable energy, serving as an example for the rest of the world's transition.  Russia transports and utilizes oil and gas to buyer nations across the globe, although these agreements will likely cease to exist post-war. This presents the need for Ukraine to generate its own energy, which could come from nuclear power. Accordi...
How to Form an Environmental Action Club at School
Community News & Policy, Resolutions

How to Form an Environmental Action Club at School

Resolution Drafted by Alma Bielenberg Artwork by Elson Bankoff Climate change presents itself as a dominating, difficult, and stressful issue in the lives of the youth. The crisis is incredibly broad and can seem unsolvable at times. But the voice of youth is becoming louder as we continue to think globally and act locally. Professor Dan Schrag, Director of the Harvard University Center for the Environment, emphasizes the importance of young adults’ demands. Schrag admits that the topic of climate change can be intimidating and “depressing.” He finds that “the challenge is for each of our generations to try to make it better.” By uniting students in our respective communities, we are not only making change, but doing exactly what Schrag recognizes as effective action: “giving ho...
Resolving On-Campus Waste: Proposal to Reintegrate Composting and Reusable Containers

Resolving On-Campus Waste: Proposal to Reintegrate Composting and Reusable Containers

Proposed by: Friends Environmental Action Team, Sidwell Friends School. Proposal conceived and drafted by Eric Wang, Elson Bankoff, and Kenji Ishi). Summary:  Amidst the current pandemic, Sidwell has naturally shifted away from conventional dining practices to reduce risks of COVID spreading. However, as things slowly begin to turn back to normal, FEAT (Friends Environmental Action Team) hopes to make lunch more eco-friendly by incorporating composting and reusable containers. If enacted, the following proposal will help reduce Sidwell’s waste footprint.  Status: To be Proposed Image by Elson Bankoff Approach:  As stated above, we hope to bring back composting and reusable dinnerware. Since all students are eating outside currently, we plan to place ...