Wednesday, January 22Maximizing our Collective Impact

Art & Multimedia

Posters to Shatter the Echo Chamber!
Art & Multimedia

Posters to Shatter the Echo Chamber!

Below are some posters to print out on lawn signs, fliers, and wheatpastable paper to put around the city. Contact to help us put these up in D.C. or in your school! Here is the link to all of the files: By Lia Nathan L By Kidist Getachew By Elson Bankoff By Jasmine Flowers By Jasmine Flowers By Sam MacIsaac By Kidist Getachew By Sam MacIsaac
50s Style Eco-Advertisements!
Art & Multimedia

50s Style Eco-Advertisements!

By Laila Kostorowski For my final project in Environmental Science, I decided to put my graphic art skills to work. In this project, I aimed to create vintage advertisements and posters to comment on how much sooner we should have addressed environmental issues. This is an ad for an electric car. I hoped to convey the power of advertising and American consumerism. I intended for this piece to be more like a poster concerning the rising temperature at the poles. This is also a poster but a bit more specific than the others. Large-scale deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest began in the 1960s and is still in progress; this truly is an issue that could (and should) have been managed decades ago.
Weeping Willow
Art & Multimedia

Weeping Willow

By Rosie Schrag We need to protect people with uteri and the control of their bodies. We need to protect Mother Earth. This piece was intended to highlight the suffering that we inflict when we take away that choice.
Mother of Earth
Art & Multimedia

Mother of Earth

By Sofia Calderon Women sustain and care for our earth. Not only does she populate the earth, but she cares for it with her maternal touch. With feminine and masculine energy flowing, as long as women exist, there will be someone to fight for the waters, land, and air.
Failings of the Media
Art & Multimedia

Failings of the Media

Political Cartoon by Ariana Thornton The youth climate movement has been a torrential surge in recent years. One of the largest global climate strikes in history has received limited coverage in mainstream media. The media's current coverage of the climate must undergo rapid change.  
A Heart With Green
Art & Multimedia

A Heart With Green

By May Chan Economic activities that harm the environment and yield profit, neglecting their impact on people, are not strides of development, but destruction.