Tuesday, March 11Maximizing our Collective Impact

Author: Tara Prakash

Sustainable Agricultural Practices Help Farmers Adapt to Climate Change
Community News & Policy

Sustainable Agricultural Practices Help Farmers Adapt to Climate Change

By Tara Prakash Jose and his wife, Aurelia, are farmers in Guatemala, working on the land their families have owned forever. The views are breathtaking, with endless fields covering lush mountains, and the air is clean and fresh. But, it’s a difficult life.  Farming on a steep mountainside, Jose and Aurelia’s fields are often subject to harsh weather.  Relying on a single cash crop (coffee), their income is precarious and shockingly low. They earn roughly two hundred dollars per year if they’re lucky. They live far from cities in an isolated and rural area with limited access to resources. Planting on poor mountainside land with unpredictable rainfall and no irrigation, they have no control over global coffee prices or the weather patterns that affect their crop growth and therefore, th...
One City Council at a Time: The Role of Local Leadership in Combating the Climate Crisis
Global News & Policy

One City Council at a Time: The Role of Local Leadership in Combating the Climate Crisis

By Tara Prakash Mayors and city councils play crucial roles in combating the climate crisis — as the chief executive officers in a community, they direct the structure and focus of city councils, appointing and removing department heads as needed. Along with proposing, passing and ratifying laws, city councils represent the interests of their constituents by managing budgets and investigating local agencies when necessary. City councils are the central and chief policy-making bodies for their respective regions. For example, the D.C Council’s mission is “to provide strong, innovative and effective leadership for the benefit of residents across the city,” as stated on its website. By proposing and passing laws, city councils and mayors also serve as legislative bodies, ultimately cata...
Carbon Removal Methods

Carbon Removal Methods

By Tara Prakash Since the beginning of the industrial era in 1850, human activities have raised atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide by nearly 49%. In 2019, global carbon emissions reached a high of 36.44 billion metric tons. The concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere is currently at nearly 412 parts per million and rising. As we begin to run out of time, carbon dioxide removal (CDR), might be a necessary tool.  Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. The term “greenhouse” refers to the essential and natural process that warms Earth by trapping heat in our atmosphere. Without carbon dioxide, the planet would be inhospitably cold; plants and animals alike would be unable to survive.  Despite the clear ecological necessity of carbon dio...
Interview With Youth Climate Activist and Leader, Mohab Sherif

Interview With Youth Climate Activist and Leader, Mohab Sherif

By Tara Prakash, Sidwell Friends School I spoke with Mohab Sherif, a 17-year-old Egyptian climate activist who moved to Canada last year. He began his activism at 15 years old with the Fridays for Future Movement. He started with Fridays for Future Digital on campaigns like "Defend the Defenders," where he spoke about Alexandria (a mesmerizing city in Egypt) and the climate crisis. Later on, Mohab joined new groups and organizations like Mockcop26. He has attended youth-led summits like the Youthspeaks2021 by Earth Uprising International and has spoken on immigration and climate change. Graphic by Elson Bankoff Question: How did you become interested and passionate about the environment? Answer: It was something really from a young age. My family and I used to feed the animals ...