Sunday, February 23Maximizing our Collective Impact

Author: Amrit Kaur

Clean Coal: What It Is and Why It Doesn’t Work

Clean Coal: What It Is and Why It Doesn’t Work

By Amrit Kaur Clean coal. It sounds like a pretty neat thing, right? Well, not quite. It’s a lot trickier than that. Trust me, before I did my fair share of research about this term, my head was in the clouds regarding what “clean” coal is and what exactly its purpose is. How come coal became clean all of a sudden? As soon as I heard the word “clean”, I immediately dismissed any doubt that it could be bad, but I forgot the second word, coal.  Well, we can start by defining what clean coal is. It’s essentially capturing carbon emissions and storing them under Earth permanently. Clean coal is an industry term that is linked with a range of technologies that burn coal more efficiently because they are supposed to eliminate or significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions from coal-...