Monday, February 24Maximizing our Collective Impact

Author: Alia Bonanno

Escape, Environment, Emotion: In Conversation with Charles Goggin of The Ukraine Underground

Escape, Environment, Emotion: In Conversation with Charles Goggin of The Ukraine Underground

Interview conducted by Alia Bonanno Charles Goggin, an 11th grader at Avon Old Farms School in Connecticut, is the co-founder and Executive Director of Ukraine Underground, a grassroots organization that works to evacuate and aid residents of Ukraine through donations, communication, and research. This exclusive interview covers Goggin’s personal experience, connection to the conflict, and hopes for the organization and Ukraine. Learn more and donate at To get involved with Ukraine Underground, email If you or a family member are in need of help in the Ukrainian conflict, email  Q: Who are you? What do you do? I'm Charles, I go to Avon Oak Farms in Northern Connecticut, 15 minutes outs...
The Flaws in Climate Justice Lessons
Community News & Policy

The Flaws in Climate Justice Lessons

By Alia Bonanno, Phillips Exeter Academy Being a climate activist has become something akin to the likes of Chicken Little. In that story, Chicken Little alerts his town that the sky is falling. He stirs up a storm with his words and his town slips into catastrophe mode. In his story, the sky is not actually falling. His town scorns him for his claims, and he goes on a journey for redemption. Unlike Chicken Little’s story, in reality the sky is falling. The climate crisis is real. Like Chicken Little’s town, the government has scorned and ignored climate activists' pleas for help. Like Chicken Little’s story, climate activists are forced to make concession after concession to school administrations, politicians, and local governments around the world.  At a progressive enviro...