Sunday, February 23Maximizing our Collective Impact

Poem: Ode to the Movement

By Elson Bankoff, Sidwell Friends School

Praise the sweat upon their brow,
Mostly as drops gather in the heat.
Then too, like those very drops,
They condense in miraculous numbers.
Their atomic energy to the mammoth star.
Praise the movement, hear their chants echo from afar.

And for every sign held, and arm aching
Atop a hill, in that driving heat,
Generational cycles reward
Eachother. Flowers to soldiers,
Or bodies planted to diner leather seats.
Now a new march continues,
Because love persists longer and love persists stronger than corruption ever will.

Praise their fire that runs rampant,
Their hyperfixation not halted
By those who, with the brightness,
Have their eyes become dull.
The romantics and believers,
Bound to save what is small, by recalling something large.
Praise the loyal movement, feel them as they charge.

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