Sunday, March 9Maximizing our Collective Impact

Month: January 2023

In Conversation with Kristy Drutman

In Conversation with Kristy Drutman

Tell us about yourself. Where did you grow up? What's your background? I'm Kristy. I am a Jewish and Filipino environmentalist who is very passionate about discussing climate education, using online media platforms to educate and inspire people about the different environmental issues going on in the world and how they can take action. I'm also the co-founder of the Green Jobs Board, which is a job platform that's focused on trying to get people opportunities for work and employment that's also focused on social impact and environmental change. So a lot of my work centers around thinking about how to use media and storytelling to bring more people into the conversation, take action and get involved with addressing the climate crisis. So that's a lot of my work on my platforms. And then ...
Rural Communities are Vulnerable and Need Our Attention
Community News & Policy, Global News & Policy

Rural Communities are Vulnerable and Need Our Attention

By May Chan Inhabitants of rural areas might love their large stretches of field and woodland, or the ability to recognize every face at the local post office, but the small size of their community and relative isolation can work against them when a storm hits, floodwaters rise, or a fire blazes. In our interview with Kristy Drutman, she discussed the problem of plastic pollution in rural areas and the links between incarceration and natural catastrophes. Her interest in this subject demonstrated how vulnerable rural areas are to both natural and man-made calamities. Due to a number of variables, such as inadequate access to emergency infrastructure, geographic isolation, and financial instability, rural areas are frequently more vulnerable. To begin, rural areas have medical infrast...